Influence of Temperament on Productive Communication Skills Formation in the Process of English Teaching at the Extralingual School

  • Shcherbakova E.A.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Gavrilova T.V.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia


The purpose of the article is to identify the relationship between student temperament and his/her ability to master foreign language speaking skill. Highlighted here is the notion of temperament with regard to characteristics of each type. The focus is on the melancholics and phlegmatics as the persons experiencing the largest difficulties in a foreign language communication. The authors give recommendations on the efficient preparation and giving a class aimed at the development of students’ communicative competence with regard to a certain type of temperament.

Keywords: temperament, speaking skills, English, phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric, sanguine, communication, learning difficulties.